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How Does Hypnotherapy Help With Marketing Your Business?

Introducing Judie Keys, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

A person who is open to having their business marketed is able to do the things that the marketing person suggests.

I sometimes hear from clients that they have been to a person for marketing but they weren’t able to do what they knew they would benefit from. Why is that? Often, the reason is because the person who was seeking marketing advice had old blocks that kept them from doing the thing that they wanted to do. In that case, I find they might benefit from hypnotherapy.

As coaching maven Dave Buck, CEO of is noted for saying, “Most business problems are really personal problems in disguise.”

What is an emotional block?

A block is a limitation, negative thought, or negative behavior.

1. Don’t deserve – happiness, love, money, success, abundance.

2. Fear – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not being liked, etc. In truth, fear sabotages.

4. Anger – anger can turn into depression which stops people from being motivated.

5. Sadness – sadness can consume people and lead to apathy.

6. Shame – feeling shame about being assertive; unacceptable to express shame in their family of origin or to be assertive

7. Guilt – feelings of guilt can lead to resentment; not really wanting to do something and doing it anyway.

All these bad feelings can lead to being stuck.

These behaviors and limitations usually begin in early childhood. This kind of counseling grows up and integrates that younger child into the current age of the person.

What is Hypnosis?

The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis defines it as a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention.

Hypnosis allows people to use more of their potential; learning self-hypnosis is the ultimate act of self-control.

In a basic hypnosis session, I present ideas or suggestions to the client about what they ultimately want, after I’ve helped them attain a state of concentrated attention, where they’re open to ideas and suggestions. This focused state allows them to experience a more powerful impact on the mind.

Hypnosis may be used for unconscious exploration, to better understand underlying motivations or identify whether past events or experiences are associated with causing a problem.

The effectiveness of hypnosis appears to lie in the way in which it bypasses the critical observation and interference of the negative conscious mind, allowing the client’s intentions for positive change to take effect.

To allay fear of hypnosis, I explain to clients that all hypnosis is really “self-hypnosis.” My therapeutic role is to assist in the direction of this focused session to help clients attain their goals.


About the Author:

Judie Keys, CCH, COO, owner of Healing Magic International, is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Business Coach. She has been in business for over 20 years.

Judie has worked with millionaires and with people who have less, and in both instances have helped them improve the quality of their lives.

She has over seventeen certifications. These include:

Time Line Therapy
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Core Transformation
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
and more.

Sessions are available in person or by telephone.

For more information and free consultation please contact:

Judie Keys, CCH, COO

(619) 961-7555



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